Monday, 17 March 2014

Trance Mediumship

I have had a number of people asking me about my work as a Trance Medium and what that involves, and I wanted to write a blog about it as I see it so that it helps people who want to know more.

A lot of you will have seen me working clairvoyantly which is where I link with Spirit and convey messages using information which is given to me by them. I am completely conscious and am able to relay these messages as they allow me by lifting my vibrations and energy to see hear and feel them as they come around me.

Trance is a little bit more involved, and very beautiful way in which to work with those in Spirit.

The basic process involves myself as medium allowing myself to become push back from my conscious awareness and becoming detached from my physical body similar to when we sleep is how best I would describe it. Once I have done this I allow my guides and inspirers from the higher side of life to come through and use my voice box and physical body to convey their messages. It has taken me a lot of time to learn and work with this and I am still learning!

I am sure that some people would have an image in their mind with what I am describing as possession by a Spirit but on reality nothing could be further from the truth. I have forged a great relationship between my guides and inspirers who assist and work with me and I am protected both by those on the earth plane and those in spirit.

When I work in trance my main 'control' or spirit guide is a Gentleman called Mr.Peter Guthrie. Over the years we have worked together he has spoken to sitters and myself about his role with me and also in the Spirit World which is fascinating.

Also interesting to see during a trance demonstration is how Spirit change and alter my appearance during the time I am sitting particularly facially but sometimes around the body as well. Since I have begun I have had various comments and feedback about things notice so if you do ever go to one have a look at the medium as well as just listening , also you may notice things happening in the room, so that in itself is great to see. I like to sit in red light and darkness conditions which allows sitters to see more clearly changes around myself.

A demonstration will last around an hour and will involve myself going into trance state, communications from guides and spirit and then I shall come back to consciousness. I have a sitter who is experienced in trance sitting to ensure my safety and also help with communication. It must be noted that during a demonstration any loud noises or shocks and touching the medium can be very unpleasant for them, as they can come back to quickly to consciousness which can have complications so if you attend a demonstration please make sure you raise your hand if you have to leave and keep all mobile phones switched off.

Whereas a clairvoyance demonstration tends to be more messages from loved ones trance often involves more philosophy and insight into the Spirit world although messages can be given sometimes.

It is most definitely a part of my work that I love a great deal and am more than happy to answer questions about it should anyone be interested. Emma